- Student in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering (Universidad Privada Boliviana)
- Bachelor in Humanities (Colegio Santísima Trinidad)
Propagation studies for satellite communications.
Professional Activity
- IEEE Student Branch Chair at Universidad Privada Boliviana for 2018, and volunteer since 2015.
- Oral presentation of the paper: “On the Use of the Integrated Global Radiosonde Archive in Satellite Propagation Studies in Bolivia”, in the XXV International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing - INTERCON 2018. Lima, Perú.
- SPIE and OSA volunteer since 2016.
- Delegate from Universidad Privada Boliviana-SPIE student chapter in the “SPIE OPTICS + PHOTONICS CONFERENCE", from August 17 to 23 in San Diego, California, where presented a poster on the activities of the branch and participated in technical and soft-skills workshops.

- Student in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering (Universidad Privada Boliviana)
- Bachelor in Humanities (Colegio Internacional del Sur)
- Study of rainfall intensity estimation using the data of Recommendation ITU-R P.837.
- Development of graphical interface using Matlab GUI.
Professional Activity
- Member of the Universidad Privada Boliviana-OSA and -SPIE student branchs.
- Chair of the Universidad Privada Boliviana OSA student branch (2017).
- Participation of Student Leadership Conference y FiO+LS (Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science) in Washington DC, USA.
- Realization of manuals for different types of radiolinks based on Ubiquiti systems for the “Universidad Privada Boliviana”.
- Co-author of the research work "Estimation of Rain Intensity for Studies of Radioelectric Propagation of Bolivia".