Gustavo A. Siles Soria, Ph.D.
Telf.: +591 (4) 4268287
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- PhD in Technology and Communications Systems - Polytechnic University of Madrid, UPM, Spain (2012)
- Master in Optoelectronics, Microwaves and Communications Systems - Université de Montpellier 2, UM2, France (2006)
- Electronic Engineer - Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Cochabamba, Bolivia (2002).
Among his main areas of specialty and interest are:
- Radio communication systems.
- Atmospheric microwave propagation, millimeters and THz.
- Radiometheorology
- GNSS radiometry and meteorology applied to propagation studies.
- He worked between 2003 and 2008 in the Project Execution area at the engineering consultancy Eductrade (Madrid), supporting and coordinating the execution of projects in Cochabamba, Quito, and Madrid. Their participation in the deployment of the satellite Internet access network for colleges and schools in Ecuador stands out (Plan Amanecer Project)
- In 2009, she joined the UPM's Department of Signals, Systems and Radiocommunications as a Research Assistant. He has actively participated in propagation measures campaigns with the HB6 satellites, in Ka band, and Alphasat, in Q band, as well as in research projects funded by public bodies in Spain and the European Space Agency. Develop their doctoral thesis in the framework of the Terasense project, where they could be in the study of atmospheric propagation in the THz band.
- Upon his return to Bolivia in 2015, he joined the Bolivian Space Agency (ABE), where he stayed until March 2017. He held the position of Terrestrial Segment Engineer and later Project Coordinator. He promoted the relationship with Bolivian universities, and coordinated, together with UMSA, the completion of the 1st Diploma in Satellite Communications Systems, as well as a postgraduate scholarship program in China. Likewise, he coordinated the installation and commissioning of the MTGAS satellite meteorological images reception station, currently in operation at the Amachuma Earth Station.
Daniel Felipe Sempértegui Tapia, Ph.D.
Email: danielsempertegui@upb.edu
Puerta de la investigación

- Postdoctoral, Thermal and Fluids (Brunel University of London, UK)
- PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Area: Thermal and Fluids (Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brasil)
- Master in Mechanical Engineering, Area: Thermal and Fluids (Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil)
- Bachelor of Petroleum Engineering (Universidad Privada Boliviana, Bolivia)
His areas of specialties and fields of interest include:
- Nucleated boiling phenomenon,
- Convective boil,
- Heat transfer,
- Multiphase flow,
- Fluid mechanics,
- Thermal and refrigeration engineering.
- Currently, he is a researcher at the Center for Optical and Energy Research and Teachers in the thermal and fluid area at the Universidad Privada Boliviana.
Previous Contributors

Grover Zurita, Ph.D.
Tel: +591 4 42 68287 (interno 523)
Email: grzurita@upb.edu
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- Post-Doctoral - University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia
- PhD in vibrational analysis applied to rotating equipment - Luleå University of Technology, Sweden.
- Master of Mechanical Engineering - Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
- Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering - Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
- Expert in vibrational analysis and digital signal processing, applied to machine diagnostics, optimization and control of internal combustion engines, and condition-based maintenance.
- He is currently a research professor at the Private Bolivian University. Prometheus Researcher at the Salesian Polytechnic University of Cuenca (Ecuador), 2014 to 2015. Guest Professor "Chongqing Technology and Business University, (China)", Sept.-October 2015. Head of career ing. Electromechanics of the Private Bolivian University between 2003 to 2014. Associate professor at the "University of New South Wales", Sydney-Australia, (2002). Researcher at the University of "Luleå University of Technology, Sweden", with research projects with Swedish companies, such as Scania and the Center for Transport and Communication Research (KFB), 1997-2001. Research work in vibrational analysis applying digital signal processing at the "Universityof New South Wales Sydney", 1997-1998. Member of the admissions senate of the University "Luleå University of Technology, Luleå", Sweden, (1996-2001). Member of the Senate of the Faculty of "Luleå University of Technology, Dept of Human Work Science", (1998-1999).
- The subjects it dictates are: Digital Signal Processing, Vibrational Analysis, Mechanisms and Finite Elements.
- Various publications in scientific journals (Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Mechanical Frontiers, Sensors, International Journal of Sound and Vibration-USA, Noise Control Engineering Journal-USA, Acta Acustica-Europa and Society of Automotive Engineers-USA) and in conferences international. A patent is also registered in the USA, 2003.
Juan Pablo Vargas Bautista, PhD
Telf .: +591 (4) 4268287
Email: jpvargas@upb.edu
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• Doctor of Engineering Sciences - Solar Energy Specialty. ITESM, Monterrey Campus, Mexico.
• Master in Engineering Sciences with a Specialty in Energy. ITESM, Monterrey Campus, Mexico.
• Mechanical engineer. Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Cochabamba, Bolivia.
• Saving and efficient use of energy
• Cogeneration and Trigeneration
• Optimization of industrial processes
• Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics
• Renewable Energies: Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic, Biomass, Wind, Geothermal
• Automation and control of industrial processes
• Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
- Numerical and experimental evaluation of transfer coefficients for heat exchangers with novel geometries.
- Numerical and experimental evaluation of the thermophysical properties of water with nanoparticles (nano fluids) for use in heat exchangers.
- Energy Consulting for the Steel Industry - Ternium SA
- Technical and economic evaluation of industrial processes.
- Automation and process control.
- Analysis and technical and economic feasibility studies of alternative energies.
- Determination of the electricity generation potential from sanitary landfills for the production of biogas.
- Development of computer programs for the design of industrial equipment (refrigeration, heat exchangers, distillation columns, etc.)
- Exergytic analysis of a heat recovery system.
- Development of a control and measurement program in LabView to determine the optimal operation of a solar energy-based diffusion absorption refrigeration unit.
- Development of general guidelines for good practices in ammonia-water solar cooling systems.
- Augusta Abrahamse, Ph.D. - Guest Researcher
- Mgr. Oscar Urquidi
- In g. Daniel Serna
- Mgr. Wendy Morrison
- Mgr. Monica Delgado
- In g. Fabiola Romero
- In g. Dante Loza
- In g. Álvaro Riva
- In g. Alejandro Durandal
- In g. Ivan Third
- In g. Juan Maidana