Pamela Córdova Olivera, PhD
Phone: +591 (4) 4268287- Int. 465
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- Doctor in Economics and Business Administration with a mention in Quantitative Methods from the Bolivian Private University (UPB), Doctoral Thesis: Mortality of children under five in Bolivia: Survival analysis and its associated risk factors ENDSAB 2003 and 2008
- Master in Economics and Economic Development from the Universidad Mayor de San Simón - Bolivia (Fellow of the Belgian Technical Cooperation),
- Diploma in Quantitative Methods from the Bolivian Private University, Bachelor of Economics with specialization in Economic Development from the Universidad Mayor of San Simón, specialist in impact evaluation CATIE-Costa Rica.
- Analysis of short and long term Social Security topics with equity focus.
- Design and evaluation of Public Policies related to Infant and Child Mortality.
- Econometric modeling in time series, Modeling of international capital flows, Economic growth, Technical analysis in financial markets and Macroeconometric modeling.
She is affiliated as a senior researcher to the UPB's Center for Economic and Business Research (CIEE), where she conducts research applied to Economic Development, Quality of Life and the Health and Social Security System, sponsored by IDRC, IDB, among others. Head of the Economics career at the Cochabamba Campus and holds tenured professorships in Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Macroeconomics (at the undergraduate and graduate levels), Basic and Intermediate Microeconomics (at the undergraduate level), Labor Economics, Economic Policy and Intermediate Monetary Policy and advanced (at the undergraduate level).
Being linked to CIEE, she has participated as a researcher in international research projects:
- IDB: Analysis of the Bolivian labor market and design of a labor supply survey
- IDRC: Socially Responsible Investing
- IDB: Development of Parametric Agricultural Insurance
- Red EconoLatin: Design of a monitoring system for the economic situation in BoliviaActivid

- 2017: PhD in Economics (Pontifícia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro - Brazil)
- 2011: MSc in Economics (Universidad de Chile - Chile)
- 2009: BA in Economics (Universidad Privada Boliviana - Bolivia)
Health, early childhood development, experimental and behavioral economics.
Currently, she is in charge of CIEE’s Experimental Economics Laboratory (LABEX in Spanish) and teaches microeconomics, statistics and public economics at the UPB. At the postgraduate level, she teaches basic econometrics, microeconometrics and statistics. At LABEX, she works on the design and implementation of research projects based on experimental and behavioral economics.
Her doctoral thesis consisted of three essays on culture and early childhood. Some of his research was presented at the pre-conference of global health systems in Lima, annual meeting of LACEA, the CLACSO conference and the Bolivian conference on economic development.
She taught the course "Integral and inclusive health models" of the Convenio Andrés Bello and the Siglo XX University. She also participated as a researcher in the diagnosis and evaluation of community health projects of the Center for the Defense of Culture (CEDEC in Spanish), Medicus Mundi and the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).
Between 2011 and 2013, she was a junior researcher at the Institute for Advanced Development Studies (INESAD in Spanish), where she developed a study on cost-effectiveness of health interventions within the framework of the SAFCI policy for the health group of the Spanish Cooperation Agency for Development (AECID).
During 2008, she was a CIEE researcher for the preparation of the book “Diagnosis, model and atlas of food safety in Bolivia” with Lykke Andersen, Oscar Molina, Ernesto Coupe and Carlos Foronda, financed by WFP.

Paola Montero Ledezma, PhD
Phone: 591 (2) 2170000 int.332
- PhD in Economic Sciences (Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve - Belgium)
- Master of Research in Economics (Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve - Belgium).
- Bachelor of Economics (Bolivian Catholic University "San Pablo," La Paz - Bolivia)
His specialty areas are labor economics, urban economics and social media economics.
Before joining CEGIE, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Chile, where she was also affiliated with the Millennium Institute: Market Imperfections and Public Policies (2016-2017) in Santiago, Chile. During that time he worked on the project “Spatial & skill mismatch of married women in cities,” which was one of the winners of the FONDECYT 2016 postdoctoral competition. He was a Senior Economist at the Swedish Competition Authority (2015) and worked as an assistant to research and teaching at Stockholm University (2013-2015) in Stockholm, Sweden. In Bolivia she worked as an economist in the public, private and international cooperation sectors.