Center for Agricultural and Agro-industrial Research
The Center for Agricultural and Agroindustrial Research was created with the sponsorship of the Foundation for the Promotion and Development of Microenterprise (PRODEM) with the name of Center for Andean Agricultural and Agroindustrial Research.
Its objective is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of small agricultural producers in the Bolivian Altiplano, valley and plain, through applied research, training and technology transfer, which promote: the diversification of agricultural production, the introduction of new appropriate techniques of industrial processing, the improvement of productivity and competitiveness of high altitude agriculture, greater food security and the conservation of biodiversity.
October 2007, Rectoral Resolution No. UPB-RR-012/2008 - Appeal amended by the Rector's Resolution No. UPB-RR-029/2017 of August 2017
- Valorization of underutilized species: characterization, productivity, diversification and industrial processing
- Development of products with added value and technological development
- Improvement of productivity: varieties, soil and water, technology transfer
- Adaptation of new agricultural products
- Technical-financial studies of post-harvest and industrialization systems
- Agricultural and industrial technology transfer
- Technical assistance and advice
- Design and development of commercial promotion systems
- Training in production, management and marketing